Car spa Latest Implementation

Carspa center Ajman experience in providing expert services in the vehicle detailing industry, combine significant technical expertise with relevant experience in order to deliver car polishing, headlight restoration, interior cleaning, tint, leather treatment that are aimed at achieving precise and exact results.

Oversee Pos develop and design custom made application for managing their customers from entry to carspa till delivery, the application will fetch all the details of the customer, car with services details to be included, system will calculate the price automatically from the back end system, floor manage can feed all the details and have a picture of the car begin for service.

Each customer requested will be call jobcard with jobcard number with status, once the services finish floor manager can change the status from pending to progress, progress to completed, completed to deliery.

Once the status reach completed admin can able to generate the invoice agiasht the job card, system will keep record all the jobcard in proper manner so that admin can easily locate the job card by entering various serach filters.

We thank you Carspa for choosing us to develop the application wish them all the best.